How to remove worms from a person: best practices

The task of how to remove worms from a person arises when they are discovered. They are sometimes seen after defecation. The other cases are only detected by sophisticated laboratory tests. It is always important to know the exact type of helminth for effective treatment. The methods for treating worms are different: you can see a doctor, get rid of helminths quickly, or use folk methods at home for a long time.

abdominal pain with worms

How doctors treat it

Removal of worms is best known to doctors - parasitologists or infectious disease specialists. These are specialists who prescribe tablets for treatment after testing. All drugs used to treat helminths have two purposes:

  • They cause their fate.
  • Remove from the human body.

Anthelmintic tablets can be divided depending on the type of worms. These are drugs that affect intestinal worms (spindleworms), flatworms, cysts (flatworm larvae), extraintestinal agents (such as liverwort).

Tablets used to remove adhesive tape or extraintestinal worms are not only toxic to worms. They cause serious changes in an adult's body, often contraindicated in children, and are not used for home treatment. In order to achieve the desired result, the intake of such drugs must be long-term.

Removal of worms using them is only possible under the supervision of a hospital doctor. These pills do not necessarily kill parasites. They can temporarily cause paralysis or stop reproduction.

After the death of any helminth, its presence in the tissues or in the lumen of the gut causes further poisoning in the body. How to remove worms in this case quickly, the operator will advise. Epsom or Glauber's salt is usually used shortly after treatment with a medicine that is toxic to the human body (after 3 hours).

salt to remove worms

After determining an adult round helminth (such as ascaris), your doctor will prescribe tablets for home treatment. They use drugs that affect several types of worms. The treatment regimens are applied differently depending on the type of helminth.

For ascaris, piperazine-based medicines are taken twice a day for 1 or 2 days (the dose is selected according to age). With pinworms - 5 days in equal doses, three courses with one week break. When treating an adult with a fungal infection, you can re-infect yourself at home if the following conditions are not met:

  • Daily linen change, ironing with hot iron.
  • Heat treatment of any food (greens, fruits, vegetables are poured with boiling water).
  • Wash hands thoroughly before eating (snacking). You can also perform a night cleansing enema at home during treatment. This frees the rectum from worms.

What is possible in an "interesting situation"

Pregnant women up to 5 months of age use a proven method to remove helminth samples for one week using oxygen. The gas is injected into the stomach on an empty stomach daily, 1500 ml for 15 minutes. A nasal catheter (a thin plastic tube placed in the stomach) is used for insertion.

You should lie down for 2 hours after introducing oxygen. If there were no stools two days after starting treatment, make a cleansing enema. The method of oxygen therapy is particularly effective in the case of infection with nematodes.

Pregnant mothers do not require special treatment for pinworms. Due to the short life cycle of these worms (they can cause re-infection 6-8 hours after the appearance of eggs), it is a good tactic for women to follow hygiene recommendations. Preventing the possibility of re-infection at home is paramount. To do this, you need:

  • Wash hands before eating.
  • Bed linen is changed daily in the morning, in the evening, washed and ironed.
  • Use cooked food.
  • Wash hands after dressing.

The procedure takes several days, ideally one day. To remove other forms of worms, consult a doctor, self-medication can harm the child.

herbal remedies

Best practices for rejecting helminth samples include the use of plant materials. These are tansy, wormwood (tsitvarnaya), pumpkin seeds.

pumpkin seeds for worms

An infusion of tansy flowers is brewed as a tea used to infect tapeworms. Take 1 tablespoon of dry ingredients. spoon into 200 ml of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon infusion three times a day. The infusion is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Wormwood flowers are used as a dry powder to treat ascariasis. Adults should take 5 g every 2 days, three times before a meal. Take a saline laxative before and after using the powder. Pregnant women should not use it.

Pumpkin seeds are a proven way to get rid of tapeworms if the drugs are contraindicated or poorly tolerated. An enema in the morning and a salty laxative in the evening 2 days before you start taking the "delicacy". The day of the pumpkin treatment begins with bowel cleansing. The seeds are taken in two ways:

  1. On an empty stomach, eat 30 g of peeled seeds (with green foil) within 30-40 minutes. You can crush it, you can mix it with honey. Lie down for 3 hours, take saline laxative. After 30 minutes, an enema is given, regardless of the presence of feces. It can be eaten if stools appear (alone or by enema).
  2. Pass 500 g of unpeeled pumpkin seeds through a mincer or crush them in a blender and pour in 1 liter of water. Boil for 2 hours, remove the greasy film, filter. The resulting broth should be drunk within 30 minutes. After 2 hours, a saline laxative is used.

Helmam samples can be removed in a variety of ways. Everyone can give good results. Careful implementation of the expert's recommendations after clarifying the type of worms will lead to success.